Tuesday, October 31, 2006

F'ing reflux!!!

I guess most of you (assuming there are a few of you that read this!) have at sometime experienced heartburn or indigestion. Some of you may even have recurring reflux, and understand what it is like. For those of you that don't, well, let's just say, it is evil!!!

I was only diagnosed relatively recently (last year) with having a hiatus hernia, and the associated reflux. More to the point, until that point I had no idea that I had ever suffered from it before to any extent. Getting an endoscope for checking up on a former stomach ulcer revealed the hernia, and significant scarring of my esophagus from on going reflux. Needless to say, I was surprised.

Since that scoping last year, I have begun to notice that I do get reflux fairly regularly. Whether that is because of the scoping proceedure (which went into my stomach) or just because I am finally aware of it, I am not sure. But, man, talk about annoying. There does not seem to be a lot of logic as to what sets me off.

One thing I know that does, is eating too late. If I eat too close to bedtime it is much worse. And if I drink red wine too close to bed, expect a disturbed night's sleep, thanks to the burn of reflux.

Yes, sometimes it is that bad!!! Last week, I woke up a couple of hours after going to bed. I had taken a ranitidine tablet before bed, knowing that I had eaten too close to bed, and then had too much red wine to boot. Yet, man, nothing prepared me for the rough night I had. I even woke up in the morning still feeling the burning sensation from the reflux overnight. I hope that never happens again.

But, I know it is likely to happen again. Hopefully I soon learn how to keep it under control, and how to stop it affecting my life.

Oh, should also add. I have not been posting lately. Been enjoying not working, and trying to get myself motivated to find a new one. It has not worked yet. But, I have found a new singing teacher. I am impressed, but GOD!!! He is making me work!! I come home mentally exhausted. Then again, that is a good thing! I wanted someone to work on a number of problems, and he is working them! Oh man is he working them!!!!

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