The gorgeous one has taken the day off work, as much a mental health day as anything. But of course, then sits around doing nothing. Trying to encourage him to do something, rather than sit here and waste the day (as he criticised me on the weekend) and only now, after several tries, is he having a shower to get organised to do something. He was using the excuse of waiting for me to do some singing practice first.
Well, first of all, at the moment, I have enough trouble singing what I am learning, and working on the changes to my technique, without having to deal with someone listening, especially someone I care about. I really have to have the freedom to fail (that will make sense to some, but not all) before I can relax into what I need to be doing. Then there is the evilness of the current piece of music I am learning (Everybody says don't, a Sondheim piece that is one of his nastier pieces, not that Sondheim is ever easy!). It is full of words (not as stupid as it sounds) and funny, changeable rhythms. Not to mention, weird leaps all over the place, and of course, the fact that it is a totally ballsy, in your face, take no prisoners kind of song. It just can't be sung wimpily, and of course, that requires that freedom to fail thing. At the moment, I do not really feel I have that with the Georgeous One around, simply because I am not ready for him to hear "my new voice"yet.
Make sense?
Anyway, he is now out of the shower, so time for us to go and enjoy that gorge day out!!!
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