Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Hmm.. I have got to start posting more regularly than every ten days. Seriously, if I am doing this to keep motivated and on the right track, I need to do it more often...

That said, I weighed myself today, and I am definitely not losing weight anymore. I am believing this is a good thing. I would like to believe I am building muscle. But, having not worked out with weights for the best part of a week, I have to confess, that seems unlikely. Especially considering how hard it felt today. But, I did do lots of walking on the weekend with my parents, so at least my cardio fitness should be good, so in theory, I should not have been putting on fat. But then, Ann Elks had a theory too, and we know how good that was!!! (monty python reference!)

So, having finally got the backroom reorganised after The Gorgeous One decided to move chairs around, making working out impractical, I have started back on weights again. I fully expect my shoulders chest and arms to complain tomorrow. But I do not care. I want to have a beautiful, beach body, so I have to deal with a bit of pain now and then.

Having said that, I have still been walking home from work most days. Not everyday, but most. Usually four a week, which exceeds my 3 times a week requirement.And I can tell the flab around my gut is starting to move. It all feels firmer, and tauter. Sure, I can still see flab, but it is still shrinking. This is a very good thing...

I still wish there was a pill, which made it all go away faster, but the only legal weightloss pill that works also has some rather nasty side effects, so I will skip that thanks!!!

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